TAY-Hub Publication

An Early Look at Predictors of College Degree Completion at Age 23 for Foster Youth

Authors: Nathanael J. Okpych; Sunggeun (Ethan) Park; Mark E. Courtney; Jenna Powers

Earning a college degree can help former foster youth increase their likelihood of getting a job and earning more as adults. However, less than a tenth of these young people complete college by early adulthood. This study explored factors that might be related to success in college in a sample of foster youth in California. Findings show nearly two thirds of participants had enrolled in college by age 23, but only a tenth had completed a 2-year or 4-year degree. Differences emerged by gender, race, sexual orientation, prior academic performance, and type of foster care placement. Extended foster care and on-campus support programs did not predict the likelihood of completing a degree.