TAY-Hub Publication

Characteristics of Transition-Age Youth Engaging in Suicidal Behavior

Authors: Colleen C. Katz; Nathanael Okpych; Eden Wall; Jama Shelton; Mark E. Courtney

This brief summarizes findings from a study examining the relationships between demographic, experiential, and behavioral health characteristics associated with suicidal ideation and attempts among transition-age youth with child welfare experience (TAY). Using longitudinal data from the CalYOUTH study, researchers found that by age 17, 40% of TAY had considered suicide, while one in four had attempted suicide. Specific subgroups, including youth who identify as female, identify as sexual minorities, have histories of maltreatment, and have comorbid mental health and substance use disorders, had an especially high risk of suicidal behavior. Findings underscore the importance of comprehensive mental health services as young people exit care.