TAY-Hub Publication

Counties Matter: The Influence Of County Context On Services And Outcomes For Transition-Age Youth in Care

Authors: Mark E. Courtney; Andrea Lane Eastman; Anthony Gómez; Ivy Hammond; Judi Babbitt; Sunggeun (Ethan) Park

In California, the state government sets policies and provides funding, while each of the 58 counties administers child welfare services. County-level factors can affect the availability of services and outcomes of transition-age youth. Still, little research has examined how county-level characteristics shape outcomes. To address this gap, the current study synthesizes findings from the California Youth Transition to Adulthood (CalYOUTH) study to examine county-level factors that shape youth’s time in care, service acquisition, and outcomes. Findings show that county demographic characteristics, housing availability, and collaborations between human services agencies significantly influence youth’s experiences and outcomes. Altogether, these results underscore the importance of considering local variation during the planning, provision, and evaluation of services for transition-age youth.