TAY-Hub Publication

Memo from CalYOUTH: Predictors of Homelessness at Age 21

Authors: Huiling Feng;
Justin S. Harty;
Nathanael J. Okpych;
Mark E. Courtney

A major argument for extended foster care is that allowing foster youth to remain in care after age 18 will improve outcomes in adulthood. This research explored a critical marker of well-being for youth in extended care: homelessness. It also considered risk and protective factors associated with homelessness among youth transitioning from foster care to adulthood. The analysis found a concerning proportion of foster youth experienced homelessness, with about a third having ever been homeless between ages 17 and 21. Findings highlight factors like gender, LGBTQ status, type of prior maltreatment, and prior placement type that affect the risk of homelessness.